Hope And Blessing

The Hope in the Mountains Project

Fear paralyzes a person (or family) into panic. It is not our desire for anyone to fear what is about to come upon the Earth. A person in panic is not trusting the Lord God. Our desire is similar to the ancient prophets who both informed and instructed before and during times of great national peril. We at Mount Ephraim Publishing Co. are not Prophets or sons of Prophets, nor are we part of the "end of days" Apostles who are now somewhere on the earth. Our authority (to instruct and inform) comes from the messages of the ancient prophets of Israel themselves, whose authority which never went dormant, to which we now submit.
Before we went to press the first time with the W.W. 3 in Prophecy book the Lord impressed upon me that at some point, early on, I am to set aside a number of books and store them throughout the Rocky and Appalachian mountains. I am to place them in safe keeping with people whom He has already set up at various points in the mountains. When World War 3 starts and a portion of the American population will flee to these mountains for safety. The people who are holding these copies of the book will travel through the mountains giving free copies to the families and groups who are hiding there. This will give much needed hope, comfort and important prophetical information to them. The Lord will spiritually guide people, who hear about the "Hope in the Mountains Project," to purchase these books before the war starts.
Prior to taking part in the "Hope in the Mountains Project" it is suggested that you first read the book, "World War 3 in Prophecy." If you have read or heard the "mystery" written in the words of the ancient prophets, through our books, tapes or lectures, and know by the Spirit of the Lord moving upon you that your spirit bears witness with our work that it is true, we ask you to take part in the "Hope" that you may receive the "Blessing."
To explain, let us say that the book, "World War 3 in Prophecy" was not written to be read sitting in the comfort of your living room after dinner with a full stomach. It is intended to be read by candlelight in a cave in the midst of World War 3 after having roots and berries for dinner. If you are not saved (obtained Christian salvation) then you would be reading in dread for your life and the lives of your loved ones, desperately desiring to know what has happened to society. Of course the Bible, of course, is the greatest source of Truth and information, but to a non Christian or a new Christian the prophecies are still locked away (in the near future we will be offering a way to put into the remnant's hands a free Bible along with our free book).
By simply donating $10 we are prepared to set aside one of the "World War 3 in Prophecy" books from Dan Bertran Griffey to be a witness and to give hope to families who are able to reach the Rocky or Appalachian Mountains. These books will be in the hands of God fearing people who the Lord has given the commission of being in the mountains when the war breaks out. The "blessing" is knowing that you were responsible for getting some of their questions answered and, through Bible prophecy, pointing those in despair in the proper direction. Also, to explain (with prophecy) what is happening and why it has happened to them, and just as important, what is going on in the rest of the world and what they can expect in the immediate future. This information, coming in a time when it is needed the most, could help keep their sanity and turn them to the only hope that there is in this world, the Lord God and His word. With the façade of society no longer there to distract them, Truth being so long absent, shall again reach them in the mountains of hiding and in the valleys of despair (bondage). You can help!


I am in search for people who live in the mountains (Rocky and Appellation Mountains) who will hold these books in trust to be given out to the people during World War 3, inside each book you donat to the project will be a statement that reads "

This book is made available to you because of the preparation and compassion of the Holy Spirit who moved on (YOUR NAME HERE) of (YOUR COUNTRY HERE)."


Yes I want to Give Hope in the Mountains!

or send check or money order to:

Dan Bertran Griffey

Hope in the Mountains Project

P.O. Box 470217

Fort Worth, Texas USA 76147



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